After careful consideration and a meeting of our board of directors, we have decided to honor those people who have contributed so much to our success. Even though they are no longer active in our day-to-day operations, we do hear directly from them and Deb gets some very much needed advice to calm her down before the sales! With that being said, they have taken all their earnings from working so hard and moved down to North Carolina. If you are in the Outerbanks, look them up! They are Corky and Susan Gottschall! By the way, Corky has a new knee!

Next we have an honorable mention. Originally mentored by Corky and of course, Corky did try to have him buy him out prior to moving to North Carolina is Daniel "Danny" Scaife. Danny is one of our next door neighbors, so I really can not say anything bad for fear of getting our cars egged! That being said, Danny got promoted to a day time job that has kept him unavailable for sales and at this time we are placing in "injured reserve"! Seems his butt is hurting too much from sitting at a desk all day! With that being said, we will enter him into the rolls as an honorary member of the Hall of Fame in abstentia. If you see Danny around, approach cautiously, he is beginning to feel his age!